Google + Pages arrived: In case you prefer to add us in your circles – you`ll be able to do so:)

Google announced the launch of Google + pages earlier today. You can now build a presence of your business, product or brand on Google +. Watch the official introduction video here.

It is basically similar to Facebook Pages which have become an important social property to so many brands over the past few years. A really great tool to stay in touch with the community around your business, brand or product. You can find more info about the google + pages in this Mashable article.

What we really liked a lot was the slogan at the end of the intro video. It really resonates with what peopleizers stands for and nails exactly how we see business and the role of people in it both as customers and employees.

“Businesses don`t make customers happy. People do.”

Wow, how beautiful and true this line is! Even if we love Google for this statement and of course for many more reasons – we do not recommend that you`ll have to jump into this immediately. It really depends on where you stand today. If you`re just getting started with your social media engagement and you want to increase your reach in the social web with probably limited resources – Facebook should still be your first choice with its over 800 million users.

This does not mean that you shouldn`t watch Google + carefully. At the moment it has not yet reached the mainstream, but it can happen. Like in any other industry there can be multiple players in the game. It can become an alternative to Facebook. If you have the capacities it could even make sense to be one of the first movers of your industry on google+.

What you definitely should do in the meantime is to add us to your circles. Here is the link to the peopleizers google + page;) Of course – we will keep you up to date. Stay tuned!

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