In our last Gurcles webinar prior to the summer break we’ve had the honor to host Porter Gale. She is the former VP Marketing at Virgin America and has worked with major brands and business icons such as Sir Richard Branson. Today she is a sought after keynote speaker, consultant to startups and author. We’ve […]
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Meet Porter Gale – an amazing woman, leader and author of “Your Network Is Your Net Worth”

Here’s what we’re up to lately: meet Gurcles, dozeo and smoope
…At Peopleizers we are committed to helping our clients figure out the new/social media space and leveraging the potential of social technologies for their own purposes. Our main focus lies on the human factor and how technology can empower people – no matter if they are on the business or consumer side. It’s about emphasizing […]

Vor einigen Wochen hat Beate Riechers im Rahmen Ihrer Erhebungen zu Ihrer Master-Thesis ein Experten-Interview mit Eleftherios Hatziioannou geführt. Mit kleiner Verzögerung möchten wir Euch heute das Interview zur Verfügung stellen – vielleicht ist der eine oder andere Impuls für Eure Arbeit dabei. 9 Fragen – 9 Antworten zum Thema Journalismus, Blogs und die Veränderungen […]

Cannes Report – From Profit To Purpose: Marketing can change the world (Coca Cola Case)
Today we would like to share one of the main lessons we’ve learned during the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. Peopleizers was part of a delegation – the BW Lions – from Baden-Wuertemberg which travelled to Southern France to represent the creative scene of Stuttgart. We were a mixed group of agencies, photographers, film-makers […]

An interview about our latest webinar project “Gurcles”
A big part of our work at Peopleizers is to educate people and to help them solve problems related to their new/social media engagement. Most of the time the challenges of clients from different organizations are the same. Therefore we have created a new educational format for professionals. It serves their urgent need to stay […]

Online Diskussion zum Thema Vernetzungskultur organisiert vom Bloggercamp
Eleftherios Hatziioannou hatte heute das Vergnügen einer kleinen Online Diskussionsrunde über Google Hangouts beizuwohnen. Spannendes Thema war die “Vernetzungskultur”, die aus unterschiedlicher Sicht beleuchtet wurde. Gesprächsteilnehmer waren Bernhard Steimel von mind consult, Eleftherios Hatziioannou und Moderator Gunnar Sohn aus dem Bloggercamp-Team. Aber hört doch einfach mal selbst rein: Mehr zu diesem Thema könnt ihr […]

Next keynote coming up at the 25th Social Media Night in Stuttgart
The Social Media Club Stuttgart organizes monthly meetups for social media professionals. The venue is the Mercedes-Benz Museum which is a great stage for such events. Each month over 200 attendees gather to hear the latest news from the new/social media world and to exchange ideas and share experiences. Stuttgart is also known for its […]

A Real and Raw Conversation with Entrepreneurs from around the world.
Lefti had the pleasure to participate in this special Hangout hosted by Brandee Sweesy on her birthday. She invited a selection of leaders from all around the world to participate and share their stories. It was meant to be “real” and “raw” and participants kept this promise by sharing a lot of valuable insights from […]