Tag Archives: leadership

A Real and Raw Conversation with Entrepreneurs from around the world.

Lefti had the pleasure to participate in this special Hangout hosted by Brandee Sweesy on her birthday. She invited a selection of leaders from all around the world to participate and share their stories. It was meant to be “real” and “raw” and participants kept this promise by sharing a lot of valuable insights from […]

What´s the future of business? Brian Solis answers this question at SXSW 2013

Brian Solis is one of the leading voices in the space of new media and their impact on the business world. We´ve been in contact over the past few years after speaking at the same event in Germany organized by EUCOM. He did also invite me (Lefti) later to his Revolution Series to discuss my […]

Our view of a successful business today: a balance between People, Technology, Life and Business!

If you look at the graphic above you will see our simplified view of the (business) world. We believe that these four aspects (people, technology, life and business) play a significant role in a successful business today. The only challenge is to find the right balance between the overlapping circles. Why? We believe that that […]

How to get the attention of the C-suite and what happens if they “get” it!

We have repeatedly mentioned the role of leadership in setting an organization in motion (also watch this keynote “From Wall Street to Love Street” held earlier this year in Athens). And we have also stressed the importance of people as change agents in the game of social media engagement. When we talk to people about […]

Social Media Conference Athens 2012: “From Wall Street to Love Street” (video)

We have had the honour to speak at the Social Media Conference 2012 in Athens in late April along with Dave Kerpen – CEO of Likeable Media – and other great people. Today, we`d like to share the recorded keynote with you. Watch it and learn more about social media, the triangle of love and […]

Something to think about… LOVE STREET!

Today we`d like to share this photo with you. Don`t look at it as a perfect and scientific graph. See it as a little piece of inspiration and think about it. What do you see? What does it mean to you? Do you agree? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. Lots of […]

Make 2012 the year of LOVE (business) and you will probably hit the jackpot

With 2012 a new year has begun. And we`d like to remind all of us about something that could make a big difference on our balance sheet at the end of the year! The macro-economics don`t look very promising. In most parts of the world we are facing an economy that is slowing down. The […]

A very inspirational appearance of Robin Sharma – the Paolo Coelho of leadership skills

“Think of yourself as an artist when you go to work every day” ~ Robin Sharma – speaker, author and trainer on leadership skills. If you want to get to know him – start with this book “The monk who sold his Ferrari”. He is a very gifted person who gets leadership skills across by […]
