Tag Archives: social media

SXSW 2015 – A brief overview about what we found interesting

Eleftherios aka Lefti had the opportunity to fly to Austin, Texas, for SXSW 2015. It was his 3rd time in the last 4 years. This time he was part of a delegation representing the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg along with 9 more companies/startups. The beautiful thing about SXSW besides tons of great sessions to attend is […]

Dead or Alive – The 7 Deadly Sins of Marketers on Facebook

Eleftherios Hatziioannou – founder of Peopleizers – was invited to open the AllThingsFacebook conference in Budapest (Hungary) in March 2014. In his very insightful keynote he shared many personal stories including how he got started on Facebook and how he became a change agent helping startups and global player brands to make their way into […]

Gurcles kick off 2014 – Live Q&A with Brian Solis

One thing about kicking of the year with such a great guest is that it sets the bar quite high. But it doesn’t matter – we love the challenge! Brian Solis is a digital strategist, futurist and author of several books. He is also Principal Analyst at Altimeter – a leading consulting and research company. […]

When was the last time you hugged your customer? Why customer focus is the only way to go!

W. Edwards Deming said some decades ago “The customer is the most important part of the production line”. This was many years before the rise of social media and today it’s more valid than ever. Deming understood that customer focus is THE key aspect of any successful business. No businesses can succeed without serving its […]

Gurcles webinar with Mitch Joel: “Ctrl Alt Del – Reboot Your Business. Reboot Your Life…”

We had the honor to host a session with Mitch Joel recently. It was part of the Gurcles webinar series. Gurcles stands for “Guru Circles” and it holds the promise that we bring world-class master minds to you. We certainly delivered on this promise (again). Mitch is president of Twistimage – one of the largest […]

Change happens: The Social Media Awards 2013 in Greece

The Social Media Awards (#smagr) took place on October 10th. The awards were given to Greek brands and agencies for the very first time. Eleftherios Hatziioannou – founder and CEO of Peopleizers – was part of the international judging committee which evaluated all entries in the past few weeks.   Lefti’s statement after being part […]

Meet Porter Gale – an amazing woman, leader and author of “Your Network Is Your Net Worth”

In our last Gurcles webinar prior to the summer break we’ve had the honor to host Porter Gale. She is the former VP Marketing at Virgin America and has worked with major brands and business icons such as Sir Richard Branson. Today she is a sought after keynote speaker, consultant to startups and author. We’ve […]


Vor einigen Wochen hat Beate Riechers im Rahmen Ihrer Erhebungen zu Ihrer Master-Thesis ein Experten-Interview mit Eleftherios Hatziioannou geführt. Mit kleiner Verzögerung möchten wir Euch heute das Interview zur Verfügung stellen – vielleicht ist der eine oder andere Impuls für Eure Arbeit dabei. 9 Fragen – 9 Antworten zum Thema Journalismus, Blogs und die Veränderungen […]

Online Diskussion zum Thema Vernetzungskultur organisiert vom Bloggercamp

Eleftherios Hatziioannou hatte heute das Vergnügen einer kleinen Online Diskussionsrunde über Google Hangouts beizuwohnen. Spannendes Thema war die “Vernetzungskultur”, die aus unterschiedlicher Sicht beleuchtet wurde. Gesprächsteilnehmer waren Bernhard Steimel von mind consult, Eleftherios Hatziioannou und Moderator Gunnar Sohn aus dem Bloggercamp-Team. Aber hört doch einfach mal selbst rein:   Mehr zu diesem Thema könnt ihr […]

Next keynote coming up at the 25th Social Media Night in Stuttgart

The Social Media Club Stuttgart organizes monthly meetups for social media professionals. The venue is the Mercedes-Benz Museum which is a great stage for such events. Each month over 200 attendees gather to hear the latest news from the new/social media world and to exchange ideas and share experiences. Stuttgart is also known for its […]
